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Tips dan Trik Membeli Fidget Spinner yang Berkualitas

Hallo Guys, Kali ini kita hadir nih untuk memberikan sedikit informasi buat kalian nih guys. Yahh, memang akhir - akhir ini sedang ramai di masyarakat nih tentang mainan yang bisa berputar ini. Fidget Spinner yang bisa berputar beberapa menit untuk penghilang stress. Memang banyak yang mengatakan nihh Fidget Spinner sebagai penghilang rasa bosan, stress, dan untuk menambah fokus pada diri kita nih. Nahh, tapi belakangan ini, alat satu ini menjadi mainan yang seru di masyarakat nihh.  Sedikit Informasi nihh buat kalian para surfing internet mania, sebenarnya sih Fidget Spinner adalah alat yang digunakan untuk saudara kita yang mempunyai kekurang. Alat ini digunakan untuk melatih pikiran dan kebiasaan bahkan fokus mereka.Tetapi, yahh karena sudah banyak digunakan di masyarakat sebagai mainan untuk menghilangkan rasa bosan jadi sekarang sudah beredar luas di masyarakat. Untuk kalian yang masih awam atau mau membeli spinner nihh ada sedikit tips dan trik membeli spinner ya


PRESENT PROGRESSIVE TENSE          Present progressive tense is the verb form used to express the action going on right now (present) or plan for the future (future).          Because it can be used in the present or the future, this tense is often accompanied by an adverb of time to clarify it. 1. Activity that still happen now          - TI 1 is studying English now 2. Present Progressive is explain that sure planning          - I am going to park at 12.00 3. Explain about general effect problem Formulas:  S + tobe (is, am, are) + V1 +ing + O            Formed with the auxiliary verb "be", the form is / am / are - because the present tense (present time), and the present participle (V1-ing). This tense is generally only occurs in the form of dynamic action verbs, not stative verb. Why so? because generally only dynamic verb which has a continuous shape. kalimat Rumus Present Continuous Tense Contoh Present Continuous Tense positif (+) S + 


NOTES ON AFFIRMATIVE, NEGATIVE, & INTERROGATIVE FORMS AFFIRMATIVE The affirmative of the simple past tense is simple. I  was  in Japan last year She  had  a headache yesterday. We  did  our homework last night. NEGATIVE AND INTERROGATIVE For the negative and interrogative simple past form of  "do"  as an ordinary verb, use the auxiliary  "do",  e.g. We  didn't do  our homework last night. The negative of  "have"  in the simple past is usually formed using the auxiliary  "do" , but sometimes by simply adding  not  or the contraction  "n't" . The interrogative form of  "have"  in the simple past normally uses the auxiliary  "do". EXAMPLES They  weren't  in Rio last summer. We  didn't have  any money. We  didn't have  time to visit the Eiffel Tower. We  didn't do  our exercises this morning. Were  they in Iceland last January? Did you have  a bicycle when you wer


FORMING THE SIMPLE PAST TENSE PATTERNS OF SIMPLE PAST TENSE FOR REGULAR VERBS Affirmative Subject + verb + ed I skipped. Negative Subject + did not + infinitive without  to They didn't go. Interrogative Did + subject + infinitive without  to Did she arrive? Interrogative negative Did not + subject + infinitive without  to Didn't you play? TO WALK Affirmative Negative Interrogative I walked I didn't walk Did I walk? You walked You didn't walk Did you walk? He walked He didn't walk Did he walk? We walked We didn't walk Did we walk? They walked They didn't walk Did they walk? SIMPLE PAST TENSE OF TO BE, TO HAVE, TO DO Subject Verb Be Have Do I was had did You were had did He/She/It was had did We were had did You were had did They were had did


DEFINITION OF THE SIMPLE PAST TENSE The simple past tense, sometimes called the preterite, is used to talk about a  completed action  in a time  before now . The simple past is the basic form of past tense in English. The time of the action can be in the recent past or the distant past and action duration is not important. EXAMPLES John Cabot  sailed  to America in 1498. My father  died  last year. He  lived  in Fiji in 1976. We  crossed  the Channel yesterday. You always use the simple past when you say  when  something happened, so it is associated with certain past time expressions frequency :  often, sometimes, always I sometimes  walked  home at lunchtime. I often  brought  my lunch to school. a definite point in time :  last week, when I was a child, yesterday, six weeks ago We  saw  a good film  last week . Yesterday , I  arrived  in Geneva. She  finished  her work at seven o'clock I  went  to the theatre  last night an indefinite point in time :  the


Hi, What is 'general English'? Does it mean 'spoken English'?  No. I take it to mean 'non-technical, non-specialized' English. And explain in detail what informal English and formal English are.  Let me offer a couple of examples. Formal English - How you speak in an interview for a good job. How you speak if you meet Obama. How you write a college essay. Informal English - How people, especially young people, talk to their friends. How most people talk on TV. How you write a letter to a friend. -We use relative clauses with prepositions in general English in a number of different ways.- Best wishes, Clive


WELCOME TO MY BLOG FOR YOUR INFORMATION Hello ... This is the first post on this blog. So we start with an introduction first. This blog is written by a schoolboy trying to use their spare time is quite a lot during the school holidays. I gave the name of this blog (address) because here I want to share about the tasks of the English language that I can tell to you guys might as reference. While en behind listen to my story from the word Indonesia, Indonesia is the place I stay. No real reason was because the word dengarka nceritaku id is already in use, and I already love the same name (address) listen to my story so I deh add the word id. Today is the first day of the month of fasting so post this time also it was counted waited for iftar. Hopefully this blog can I fill with interesting postings in the future and thank anyone who has opened my blog let alone read my writing this time.